Tuesday, November 09, 2004

What is sexier than laughter?

I am so excited! A friend of mine just sent me a mock-up for the website he is making for me. I will finally have my own site! Gawddamn, it's about time!!! This has been a loooong time coming - it's been getting to the point where I've felt that not having a website has been seriously hindering my progress in my career. I mean, who are you if no one can find you on the internet?!? Maybe since he has such a fast turnaround, I will be able to get him to make me other sites for my other projects. Who knows? Someday, I'd like to be able to create my own websites.

Anyway, there is so much going on. I also just started a group at Yahoo! as a resource for all of my students. I am so excited about the possibilities! It's such a wonderful thing to be able to fascilitate so much fun and confidence building sexiness for so many women. Really, it is so satisfying, I can't think of anything I would rather do. Can you imagine watching "shy" women light up with excitement as they let loose and finally flaunt it for the first time in their lives? Can you see the bold ones just get right into it, comfortably in their element and overjoyed to have the venue to express their audacious, vivacious selves? And the laughter! What is sexier than laughter?

In the last class, after teaching the girls the basics of a floor show and chair dance, I had some students get up and do a leg show on the piano! The only girl there who'd taken the class before was a really good sport and has no shame anyway, so getting up there wasn't too tough for her. I mean, she has one performance under her belt already, so she's old hat! ;) None of the other girls wanted to get up there, but I insisted on one more piano show before I took my turn performing for them. As my good friend, dance partner and model student, Sweet Cheeks, says about me: "She has a way of making people doooooo things." Well, one of the new girls volunteered! She was so sweet up there, and Oh! the Cheering! All the girls hooted and hollered and screamed for her, what a wonderfully supportive group! What a dream job, I am so lucky.

So this weekend, Sweet Cheeks and I will show them all a chair dance like they've never imagined! Muahahahaha!


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