Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Proud mother hen and noir photo fun...

I just got an email from an Australian woman who took private lessons with me while she was visiting San Francisco:

"Just wanted to let you know I finally made my burlesque debut during a blues dancing night here in Adelaide. My performance went really well so well in fact that I received a standing ovation! It was so much fun even though I was terrified before I went on. So thanks again for giving me my start in burlesque - I am totally hooked now ;)."

She sent me a photo from her show! I am so proud. Congratulations, Cherry Valens!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Last week, Lily le Rouge and I did a photo shoot with our band that we've been singing with, Lucifer's Strip Club Band. Jim Ferreira of Film Noir Portraiture shot us all, and as always it was a riot working with him! Here's a really fun photo from the shoot, and you can see more photos of us and the band here!

And just in case that's just not enough photo fun for you, check out these very silly pics from the Hullabaloo show at the DNA Lounge on November 16! Yes, that's an octopus in my panties AND I'm happy to see you! ;)