Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Burlesquercise Classes!


* Intro to Burlesque Mini-Session
* Jungle Exotica Burlesquercise Session


Been looking for a sexy workout or just want more excitement in your life? Been wondering what all the fuss is about? Come join in on the fun with this special introductory series. In addition to the unique bump-and-grind warmup and workout that Burlesquercise is famous for, we will take you through some of the best lessons and activities from the last three years of classes, including bump-and-grind basics, the burlesque strut, song interpretation, prop use and more! You'll also learn the choreograpy for the dance numbers most often performed by "Bombshell Betty's Burlesqueteers," so pull your favorite lingerie out of hiding in the top drawer and let's shake it... with Burlesquercise!

Mondays, 8:30pm-9:50pm
March 12, 19 and 26

Bombshell Betty's
715 Bryant Street, Suite 102
@ 5th Street in San Francisco

To register, go to



Grab your leopard bikini and light up the bonfire, because this session at Burlesquercise we're taking a trip through the Jungle Exotica! Focusing on the exotic origins of the bump and grind, we'll shimmy and grind our way through sensuous bellydance inspired moves and steps, plus learn the fun jungle routine Bombshell Betty performed on tour across North America and Europe. Don't miss out, because this session is going to be hot, hot, HOT!

Mondays, 7:00-8:20pm
March 12, 19, 26, Apr 2, 9 and 16

Bombshell Betty's
715 Bryant Street, Suite 102
@ 5th Street in San Francisco

Click here to register:


Blogger alex said...

The tertium comparationis hydrocortisone in the comparisons just employed-- i.. We are indebted lamictal to Scherner for his clew to the source of the dream thoughts, but almost everything that he ascribes to the dream-work is attributable to the activity of the unconscious, which is at work during the day, and which supplies incitements not only for dreams but for neurotic symptoms as well.. Lampton's poem on the subject, with its refrain, Never again, said Colonel George, I remember as one of the most notable paxil of his poems on current topics.. He is much excited during this semi-sleeping state, and repeats ritalin continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. Frederic Ingham by flexeril as good right as I.. What should I want coarse-hand for? said the disciple, with great contempt; coarse-hand won't never do me estradiol no good.. She had needed no prophet to tell her what must be ibuprofen the result of a tete-a-tete between Mr.. When he magnesium opened his sleepy eyes and raised his expressive ears to a position of attention, the old familiar coat and battered hat of the elder were before him.. Prue laid her hand gently upon the head of our guest, whose eyes were closed, albuterol and who breathed softly, like an infant in sleeping.. How much for them? Give them relafen a start at something.. The elder then promised to send his cotton to the warehouse to be sold in lithium the fall, and with a curt Anything else? and a Thankee, that's all, the two parted.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint respect to my magnesium wife.. I have no doubt your daughter will put me in allegra possession of sufficient facts and details--to constitute what we call--er--a brief.. Sech as that ain't right. metformin. I was cialis too much exhausted to speak, so I merely regarded him with an imploring air...

9:24 AM  
Blogger alex said...

The tertium comparationis phentermine in the comparisons just employed-- i.. We are indebted clonazepam to Scherner for his clew to the source of the dream thoughts, but almost everything that he ascribes to the dream-work is attributable to the activity of the unconscious, which is at work during the day, and which supplies incitements not only for dreams but for neurotic symptoms as well.. Lampton's poem on the subject, with its refrain, Never again, said Colonel George, I remember as one of the most notable tizanidine of his poems on current topics.. He is much excited during this semi-sleeping state, and repeats zetia continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. Frederic Ingham by lovastatin as good right as I.. What should I want coarse-hand for? said the disciple, with great contempt; coarse-hand won't never do me paxil no good.. She had needed no prophet to tell her what must be alprazolam the result of a tete-a-tete between Mr.. When he carisoprodol opened his sleepy eyes and raised his expressive ears to a position of attention, the old familiar coat and battered hat of the elder were before him.. Prue laid her hand gently upon the head of our guest, whose eyes were closed, avelox and who breathed softly, like an infant in sleeping.. How much for them? Give them zoloft a start at something.. The elder then promised to send his cotton to the warehouse to be sold in levothyroxine the fall, and with a curt Anything else? and a Thankee, that's all, the two parted.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint respect to my cymbalta wife.. I have no doubt your daughter will put me in lupron possession of sufficient facts and details--to constitute what we call--er--a brief.. Sech as that ain't right. phentermine. I was amoxicillin too much exhausted to speak, so I merely regarded him with an imploring air...

6:23 PM  
Blogger alex said...

The tertium comparationis prednisone in the comparisons just employed-- i.. We are indebted bactrim to Scherner for his clew to the source of the dream thoughts, but almost everything that he ascribes to the dream-work is attributable to the activity of the unconscious, which is at work during the day, and which supplies incitements not only for dreams but for neurotic symptoms as well.. Lampton's poem on the subject, with its refrain, Never again, said Colonel George, I remember as one of the most notable elavil of his poems on current topics.. He is much excited during this semi-sleeping state, and repeats ultram continually, Phenyl, phenyl.. Frederic Ingham by insulin as good right as I.. What should I want coarse-hand for? said the disciple, with great contempt; coarse-hand won't never do me zyprexa no good.. She had needed no prophet to tell her what must be insulin the result of a tete-a-tete between Mr.. When he zocor opened his sleepy eyes and raised his expressive ears to a position of attention, the old familiar coat and battered hat of the elder were before him.. Prue laid her hand gently upon the head of our guest, whose eyes were closed, aspirin and who breathed softly, like an infant in sleeping.. How much for them? Give them biaxin a start at something.. The elder then promised to send his cotton to the warehouse to be sold in fioricet the fall, and with a curt Anything else? and a Thankee, that's all, the two parted.. said Titbottom, with a bow of quaint respect to my acetaminophen wife.. I have no doubt your daughter will put me in levitra possession of sufficient facts and details--to constitute what we call--er--a brief.. Sech as that ain't right. thyroid. I was vioxx too much exhausted to speak, so I merely regarded him with an imploring air...

11:20 PM  
Blogger alex said...

.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...

9:39 PM  

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