Friday, September 02, 2005

Of beginnings and endings...

My horoscope for this week is eerily apt, as it so often is with this guy...

LIBRA: "If the Angel decides to come it will be because you have convinced her, not by tears but by your humble resolve to be always beginning; to be a beginner." So said the poet Rainer Maria Rilke, as if speaking to your exact needs right now. Let me offer this addendum: The Angel wants to come very badly. She is passionate about offering you the novel assistance she has dreamed up just for you.'

Is it possible to have beginnings without endings at the same time? Maybe it's all just a matter of focus. Things are always changing, shifting, transitioning. Sometimes the times when I post the least frequently are the times when the most is going on. I suppose it's because I'm incubating, getting ready for these new beginnings, these changes. I am ready for another leap, another jumping off into adventure.

PS: I am dying for a pair of shoes like these. I have such delightfully delicious plans for them...


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